Thursday, July 21, 2011

Eyelid lift in Toronto

An eyelid lift (also known as blepharoplasty) can improve the visible signs of aging around the eyes. Most people interested in an eyelid lift have drooping upper lids and puffy bags below the eyes.

Eyelid lifts involve removing fat, muscle and/or skin from the upper and/or lower eyelids. During the surgery, incisions are made in the creases of your upper lids, and/or just below the lashes in the lower lids. The surgeon may extend the incision into the outer corners of your eyes. Skin is separated from fatty tissue and muscle, excess fat is removed, and often sagging skin and muscle is trimmed. The incisions are then closed with very fine sutures.

If you have pockets of fat underneath your lower eyelids but don't need skin removed your surgeon may perform what's called a 'transconjunctival' blepharoplasty. With this technique the incision is made inside your lower eyelid, therefore not leaving a visible scar.

The surgery is usually done on an outpatient basis. You will feel discomfort, but any pain can be controlled with medication. You can expect your eyes and face to be swollen and bruised and this can last for a few weeks. Stitches may come out in 2-5 days. Incisions around the skin of the eyes seem to heal quickly and the majority of patients find when the sutures are taken out they only have a thin line for a scar that fades within weeks.

Your surgeon will give you specific recovery instructions but usually you will be asked to rest for the first week. You may be asked to keep your head elevated for several days, and to use cold compresses to reduce swelling and bruising. Your eyes will be 'sticky' for the first few days so you may be given eye drops and shown how to carefully clean them.You will probably be instructed not to participate in strenuous activities for 2-3 weeks.

In general, the goal of any eyelid lift should be to provide a natural, less tired, youthful appearance which is not artificial in any way. It’s effects are often permanent.

An eyelid lift is often performed with a facelift or forehead lift.

To discuss your particular situation in more detail, consult with a
plastic surgeon in toronto.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Facelift in Toronto

A facelift (technically known as rhytidectomy) can improve the visible signs of
aging of the face. Most people looking for a facelift have wrinkles and sagging
skin in their face and neck.

It is important to understand facelifts carefully because there are many types
of facelifts being performed. Facelifts can range from one hour of surgery to 4
hours of surgery depending on the technique and extent of work being performed.

Simple skin lifts involve lifting the skin of the face and pulling it upwards and
backwards to eliminate the facial wrinkles and sagging, then removing the
excess skin. The major advantage of this procedure is that it is short and has
minimal healing time. Two problems noticed with this lift have been an “artificial
pulled look” and recurrence as the skin has stretched back out after a number
of years.

Newer approaches in face lifting have involved lifting the underlying muscle
and fat pads of the face instead of just skin. This surgery is a little more
extensive and requires longer healing time of up to 3 weeks but has the
advantage of providing a less pulled more natural look with longer lasting effects.

During the surgery incisions are usually made above the hairline at the
temples, go around the front of the ear, then curve behind the earlobe to behind
the ear and into the scalp. Tissue and muscle is separated, fat may be
suctioned and underlying muscle tightened. The skin is pulled back and any
excess trimmed and then sutured or stapled into place. The incisions are well
hidden in your hairline so you do not have to worry about the scars being visable.

Recently, mid-face lifting has emerged as a new technique to lift only the
face without lifting the skin of the neck. This technique is especially suited
to younger patents with little or no aging in the neck area.

The surgery is usually done on an outpatient basis or some patients are
asked to stay overnight. Your surgeon will probably put dressings on you and
wrap you with a bandage that compresses the area slightly. After your surgery you will be asked to keep your head elevated to avoid increased swelling.
If you had a drain put in to drain blood that will be removed in a day or two.
You will feel discomfort and your face might feel tight, but pain can be
controlled with medication. You can expect your face and neck to be swollen and bruised - this can last for a few weeks. Stitches may come out in 5 days,
if staples were used in your scalp they might stay in longer.

Your surgeon will give you specific recovery instructions but usually you
will be asked to rest for the first week. You will probably be instructed not
to participate in strenuous activities for 2-3 weeks.

In general, the goal of any facelift should be to provide a natural, more rested
youthful appearance which is not artificial in any way. Its effects typically last
5 to 10 years depending on the type of facelift performed.

A facelift is often performed with a forehead lift or eyelid lift.

Rhinoplasty, nose reconstruction, nose plastic surgeons in the greater toronto area

Rhinoplasty, nose reconstruction, nose plastic surgery in the toronto area

The nose is a very complex structure with many different changes that can be achieved. Telling your surgeon you want a smaller nose does little or nothing to describe all the changes that can be made. It is very critical with this operation that you spend extensive time discussing with your surgeon the exact changes you would like to see in your nose. The surgeon should be able to discuss each component of the nose with you in detail and show you the many different changes that can occur. Also very important to discuss are the limitations, because all of the changes you are requesting may not be possible.

The nose is commonly divided into two major areas that can be altered.
The first is the dorsum (the upper long thinner part of the nose) and the
second is the nasal tip (lower part of the nose that includes the nostrils).
The most common changes that patients request is a removal of a hump
on the dorsum, thinning the dorsum and thinning the tip. However any
combination of thinning widening shortening lengthening and rotating can
be achieved.

During rhinoplasty nose reshaping surgery the plastic surgeon makes a small incision inside the nose in a ‘closed’ rhinoplasty. In an ‘open’ rhinoplasty the incision is made in the columnella (the tissue between the nostrils). Once the incision is made, the surgeon is able to access the internal structure of the nose and make the desired changes.

Rhinoplasty nose reshaping surgery is usually done on an outpatient basis. After your surgery you will be asked to keep your head elevated to avoid increased swelling. You will feel discomfort but any pain can be controlled with medication. You can expect your nose and eye area to be bruised, swollen and ache and this can last for a few weeks. If you have nasal packing, it will be removed after a few days and you'll feel much more comfortable. In 1 -2 weeks all dressings, splints, and stitches should be removed.

Your surgeon will give you specific recovery instructions but usually you
will be asked to rest for the first week. You will probably be instructed not
to participate in strenuous activities for 2 - 4 weeks.

In general the goal of a rhinoplasty nose reshaping is to create a nose that is in balance with the rest of the face. It can take up to a year for the skin to contract around the new shape so results may not be seen immediately. It’s effects are permanent.

One important aspect to not overlook is the nose - chin relationship. As the chin gets larger the nose looks smaller and vice versa. A chin implant may or may not enhance your nasal appearance and this should be discussed during your nasal consult.

To discuss your particular situation in more detail, consult with a
plastic surgeon in toronto

Toronto Plastic Surgery Recommendations

A comprehensive review of the cosmetic surgereons in the Greater Toronto Area.